RET Policies

Our policies are developed by senior members of staff within the Trust to reflect the strategic direction agreed by the Trustees and statutory requirements. Polices are scheduled for initial review by a member of the RET Executive Leadership Team, prior to Committee review. They are ratified by the Trust Board, a Trust Committee or member of the RET Executive Leadership Team.


Page Downloads Date  
Separated Parents policy RET Mar 2022 01st Mar 2022 Download
Charging and Remissions RET Policy 30th Apr 2024 Download
Managing Medicines RET Policy 17th Oct 2023 Download
Supporting Students with Medical Needs R... 17th Oct 2023 Download
Managing serial and unreasonable complai... 15th Apr 2024 Download
Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy RET 05th Dec 2023 Download
Risk Management Strategy RET 05th Dec 2023 Download
Use of images RET procedure Sept 2022 22nd Sep 2022 Download
Gifts and Hospitality RET Policy Oct 22 19th Oct 2022 Download
Trustee and Governor Expenses RET Policy... 16th Nov 2022 Download
Exclusions Policy RET 05th Dec 2023 Download
Health and Safety Policy Statement RET 2... 01st Apr 2024 Download
Data Protection Policy Dec 2022 17th Mar 2023 Download
Whistleblowing Policy RET Dec 2022 06th Jun 2023 Download
Online Safety Policy 2023 29th Sep 2023 Download
Safer Recruitment RET September 2023 29th Sep 2023 Download
Dealing with Allegations against Staff a... 29th Sep 2023 Download
First Aid policy October 2023 19th Oct 2023 Download
Staff Code of Conduct 19th Oct 2023 Download
ECT Induction and Development Policy 22nd Mar 2024 Download
Children with health needs who cannot at... 07th Mar 2024 Download
Designated Teacher Policy for Children W... 12th Dec 2023 Download
Acceptable Use RET Policy Dec 2022 29th Apr 2024 Download
Reserves Policy RET Dec 2022 07th Dec 2022 Download
Treasury Management Policy RET Dec 2022 07th Dec 2022 Download
Parent/Carer code of conduct 21st May 2024 Download
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